of Governor Herbert R. O'Conor 339
seventeen. It would appear, therefore, that in the last two years the colleges
and schools, particularly those at College Park, have increased their enrollment
considerably. I consider it necessary to invite your attention to the fact that
in addition to the appropriation to our State University, the State continues to
appropriate large sums to colleges in the State, which are not under State con-
trol. The aggregate of appropriations recommended in this Budget to such
colleges is $261, 500. 00.
The appropriation from General Funds to the University in 1941 was $1, -
218, 635. 00 and from Special Funds $2, 292, 469. 38, or a total of $3, 511, 104. 38.
The appropriations I am recommending for 1942 and 1943 are, from General
Funds $1, 290, 635. 00 and Special Funds $2, 350, 000. 00, totaling $3, 640, 635. 00.
The increase, amounting to $129, 530. 62, is a total of increases of $72, 000. 00 in
General Funds and $57, 530. 62 in Special Funds.
The General Funds increase is detailed as follows:
To the School of Engineering.................................... $10, 000. 00
To the Agricultural Experiment Station................ 9, 500. 00
To the Agricultural Extension Service.................... 5, 000. 00
University Hospital..................................................... 26, 000. 00
Appropriations for special purposes........................ 22, 500. 00
Total.................................................................. $72, 000. 00
With the demand for technically trained people, I feel that the appropria-
tion to the College of Engineering is necessary and the Agricultural Experi-
ment Station and Extension Service will be greatly benefited by the amounts
recommended for their use.
The University Hospital in Baltimore closed the last fiscal year with a
deficit of over $30, 000. 00 and two public wards were closed. I believe our State
hospital should be operated at its maximum capacity and I am, therefore,
recommending an additional appropriation of $25, 000. 00 to care for free cases.
This should make available all the free care facilities of the hospital.
The special appropriations, amounting to $22, 500. 00 are for the following
For the control of Bangs Disease............................ $12, 000. 00
For the enforcement of the Fresh Egg Law............ 1, 500. 00
For Poultry Disease Control............................... 5, 000. 00
For research in Control of Cantaloupe Disease........ 1, 500 00
For Canning Research......................................... 2, 500. 00
Total................................................................ $22, 500. 00
A number of the older buildings at College Park should be improved and
equipment provided for them. I am recommending in the bond issue the sum of
$100, 000. 00 for this purpose. I am also recommending an appropriation of
$65, 000. 00 to enlarge the Nurses' Home in connection with the University
Hospital in Baltimore. The Hospital has been enlarged and the Nurses' Home
is totally inadequate to provide for those necessary for duty in the institution.
For Princess Anne, I am recommending $35, 000. 00 for improvements to build-
ings and for equipment to enable the school to advance its program of agri-
cultural and vocational education. This is a total of $200, 000. 00 for construc-
tion to the University. Considerable increases have also been asked for the
professional schools in Baltimore in order that fees can be reduced and the
standards raised.