340 State Papers and Addresses
Following authorization passed by you at the last General Assembly, the
State acquired Morgan College which, is being operated now as a State
An increase of $8, 900. 00 is allowed from General Funds, and it is estimated
that there will be a further increase from Special Funds resulting from the
larger student enrollment.
The above increase represents a net amount, but actually $10, 000. 00 addi-
tional has been allowed for the employment of instructors. The institution
needs additional instructors and it appears to be necessary to strengthen the
During the current year, 424 are enrolled, of whom 194 are male and 230
female. A dormitory for 70 girls is under construction, but $27, 000. 00 is needed
to complete the interior and to purchase equipment. It is necessary also to
provide library and other equipment amounting to $15, 000. 00 and to build a
new power plant at a cost of $80, 000. 00. The total of these three amounts,
namely $122, 000. 00, I am recommending in the Bond Issue and, of course, will
be in addition to the increases I have recommended in the maintenance budget.
House of Correction, Men's Prison—The increase in this appropriation,
$9, 219. 00 is to provide for:
1. A full time dentist.
2. Salaries for guards in accordance with the law.
3. Adjusting the expense items in the budget to the amount actually
spent in 1940.
The estimated population for 1942 and 1943 is 1, 350 inmates, and the per
capita cost $225. 00. I have included in the Bond Issue a recommendation for
$35, 000. 00 to this institution, of which $10, 000. 00 is for the purchase of farm
land. This is desirable because the institution sells fresh and canned vegetables
to other State institutions, thereby effecting economies and giving employment
to prisoners. An extension of the water supply is necessary, at a cost of $5-
000. 00; also laundry, hospital and other equipment, to cost $20, 000. 00.
House of Correction, Women Prison—This institution has recently been
opened, and women prisoners who were formerly housed in a unit at the Men's
Prison have been transferred to the new institution, which is of modern design
and is capable of taking care of 150 inmates. Because of the small number of
inmates compared with the Men's Prison, per capita cost is estimated to be
$300. 00.
This institution is complete and no additional capital improvements will
be needed at this time.
Penitentiary—An increase of $4, 960. 00 is provided, all of which is in the
operating expense budget, and is necessary because of the need of certain
repairs at the institution.
In 1942 the sum of $2, 000. 00 is appropriated for a new roof on Dormitory
B.. It is estimated that the population of this institution in 1942 and 1943 will