and providing heating apparatus therefor, in the town
of Cambridge, Dorchester county, Maryland, and to
authorize and require the Board of County School
Commissioners of said county to borrow money for
the purpose of repairing and improving said building;
building an addition thereto, and providing heating
apparatus therefor, by issuing bonds to be endorsed
by the County Commissioners of Dorchester county,
authorizing said County Commissioners to levy taxes
on the assessable property of said county to redeem
said bonds."
Which was read a second time.
Mr. Milbourne, from Select Committee reported
Senate bill, File No. 212, entitled "An Act to repeal
sections 49 and 50 of Article 25 of the Public General
Laws of Maryland, title 'County Com missioners,' sub-
title 'Draining Lands,' as amended by the Act of 1892,
chapter 649, so far as the same apply to tax ditches or
drains situate wholly within Somerset county, and to
enact in lieu thereof certain provisions applicable to
such tax ditches or drains situate wholly within said
Which was read the second time.
Mr. Fryer, from Select Committee reported favor-
Senate bill, File No. 197, entitled "An Act to au-
thorize James M. Budd to build a wharf at Budd's
Landing on Cecil county side of Sasafras River.
Which was read the second time.
Mr. Carey, from Select Committee, reported favor-
House bill, File No. 436, entitled "An Act to repeal
chapter 407 of the Acts of the Gen-ral Assembly of
Maryland, passed at its session of 1898, entitled 'An
Act to add an additional section to Article 38 of the
Code of Public General Laws, entitled 'Fines and For-
feitures,' to follow section 3 and to be known as 'Sec-
tion 4,' so far as the same is applicable to Worcester
Which was read the second time and ordered to be
engrossed for a third reading.