Maryland to the conveyance by Stephen Boyer of
Middletown, Del., to the Vestry of North Kent Parish,
a body corporate of Kent county, Maryland, of a cer-
tain farm or tract of land in Kent county, Maryland,
described in said conveyance to and for the use of
said Vestry of North Kent Parish."
Which was read the first time.
Also favorably, with amendments,
House bill, File No. 18, entitled "An Act to require
all railroad companies and corporations, and all per-
sons running or operating cars or coaches by steam on
any railroad line or track in the State of Maryland,
for the transportation of passengers, to provide sepa-
rate cars or coaches for white and colored passengers,
without any difference or discrimination in the quality
of or accommodation in such cars or coaches"
Amend the bill by striking out in section 7, line 6,
the word "Pullman," and insert in lieu thereof the
words "parlor or sleeping cars."
Was considered on its second reading, and
On motion of Mr. Kirbin,
Made special order for Tuesday, March 1st, 1904, at
1 o'clock p. m.
Also favorably,
House bill, File No. 83, entitled "An Act to provide
for separate accommodations of white and colored
passengers in the sitting, sleeping and eating apart-
ments of all steamboats plying in the waters within
the jurisdiction of the State of Maryland without any
difference in discrimination in the quality and con-
venience of accommodation."
Was considered on its second reading, and
On motion of Mr. Kirbin,
Made Special Order for Tuesday, March 1st, 1904,
immediately after House bill, File No. 17.
Mr. Howard from Select Committee reported favor-
ably with amendments.