to introduce a bill entitled "An Act to repeal and re-
enact with amendments section 42 of Article 77 of the
Code of Public General Laws, title 'Public Educa-
On motion of Mr. Linthicum,
Leave was granted fo the Baltimore city delegation
to introduce a bill entitled "An Act to make valid all
tax sales in the city of Baltimore, made by one City
Collector, and reported and the property conveyed by
his successor in office or made and reported by one
City Collector and the property conveyed by his suc-
cessor in office."
On motion of Mr. Linthicum,
Leave was granted to the Baltimore city delegation
to introduce a bill entitled "An Act to add an addi-
tional section to Article IV of the Code of Public Local
Laws of Maryland, title 'City of Baltimore,' subtitle
'Charter' said section to follow section 51 of said
Article and to be designated as section 51 A.
On motion of the Speaker, (by request)
Leave was granted to the Committee oh Hygiene to
introduce a bill entitled "An Act to add an additional
section to Article 43 of the Code of Public General
Laws of Maryland, title 'Health' to be numbered sec-
tion 81 B."
On motion of Mr. Kerbin,
Leave was granted to the Committee on the Judic-
iary to introduce a bill entitled "An Act to provide
for separate accommodation of white and colored pas-
sengers in the sitting, sleeping and eating apartments
of all steamboats plying in the waters within the juris-
diction of the State of Maryland without any differ-
ence or discrimination in the quality and convenience
of accommodation."
On motion of Mr. Miller,
Leave was granted to the Baltimore city-delegation to
introduce a bill entitled "An Act to provide for fixing
license and penalties for ticket speculators in Balti-
more city."
On motion of the Speaker (by request),
Leave was granted to the Committee on the Judic-