tion to introduce a bill entitled "An Act to add an ad-
ditional section to Article 3, Code of Public Local
Laws, title 'Baltimore county,' substitute 'Justices of
the Peace and Constables,' and to follow immediately
after Section 139 of said Article, and to be designated
Section 139 A."
On motion of Mr. Harrison,
Leave was granted to the Judiciary Committe to in-
troduce a bill entitled "An Act to declare the sanction
and consent of the General Assembly of Maryland to
the deed and conveyance from William P. Maulsby,
trustee, to the Grace Reformed Church of Frederick
city, Maryland, a religious corporation."
On motion of Mr. Green,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Ways and
Means to introduce a bill entitled "An Act to appro-
priate a sum of money for the purpose of assisting The
Society of the War of 1812 in Maryland, a body com-
posed of the descendants of soldiers of the war, in
erecting a monument upon the North Point Battle
Ground in commeration of the Battle of North Point
in the War of 1812, and to perpetuate the memory of
the citizen soldiers who thereon defended the soil of
their country."
On motion of Mr. Lipman,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Judiciary
to introduce a bill entitled "An Act to repeal sections
127 and 128 of the Code of Public General Laws of
Maryland, title 'Crimes and Punishments,' sub-title
'Gaming,' and to re-enact the same with amendments."
On motion of Mr. Linthicum,
Leave was granted to the Baltimore city delegation
to introduce a bill entitled "An Act to repeal so much
of section 6, Article 4. Public Local Laws as relates to
harbor, docks and wharves, and to re enact the same
as amended, and to repeal sections 463, 464, 465, 466
and 476 of Article 4, Public Local Laws, and to re-
enact sections 46B and 464 as amended."
On motion of Mr.McComas,
Leave was granted to the Harford county delegation
to introduce a bill entitled "An Act to amend section