Volume 405, Page 134 View pdf image (33K) |
( 134 ) November 12th 1691 - - - - - - - - To the Worll. the Comisrs of Somerset County now in Court Sitting -- The humble Petition of Thomas: Beauchamp sheweth. That whereas your Petioners ffather Edmund Beauchamp Late Clerk of this County deceased, who hath Severall fees due to him who are Conjunct with mr. John: West as being due to them both. Therefore your Petioner humbly Craves that the abovesd West may have Execution granted to him by your worpps. for the whole, who promiseth to give your Petioner Security for to repay him for one half of what he receives Over & above what your Petioners ffather is indebted to the aforesd West. So hoping as your Petioners ffather hath been a faithfull Servant to the Court and County, you will grant the mannagement of the whole to the aforesd West, and your Petioner as in duty bound Shall ever pray. ____ ~ ~ ~ Which Petione being Read was by this Court granted. _____ ~ ~ ~ ____ Their Maties Somerset County Sc. The Jurors for their Maties at a Grand Jury Contra. } held for the body of this County upon the Second tuesday in March last Matthew. Scarbrough past doe present and find that Matthew: Scarbrough of Mattapony ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ and within the Jurisdiction of this Court at his owne house in the Said hundred, did in Contempt of the Laws of God and good & wholesome Laws and Institutions of this Province upon the Sabbath or Lords day in the fall Anno Domy 1688 -- did togeather with his Servants Stripp Tobacco & most wickedly and Openly prophane the sd Sabboth or Lords day to the great dishonour of Allmighty God, Scandall & evil Example to all their Maties good people of this Province, Therefore their Maties Attorney Craves judgmt. may be entered agt the said Matthew Scarbrough according to Law in that Case made & provided. -- Jas: Sangster Cler Indts. The Indictmt. being read, to which the sd Scarbrough: pleaded not guilty, and for tryall putt him Selfe upon the Court, The Court refered ye matter to a Jury And therefore Comand was given to the Sheriffe of our Said County to Sumon twelve good & Lawfull men of his Balywick that the matter might be the better understood. A List or panel of the Jurors Names are as followeth (viz) Richard Chambers William:Innis. Thomas: Morris. John. Scholfield -- John: Jones Roger. Philips. Joseph. Gray Ja. Obroughten. John: Bennet: Wm: Denison John: Sands Roger Barker, who being legally Sumoned returned & Sworne upon the holy Evangelists, who having heard the Evidences Sworne & examined as also the Indictmt. read, receives their Charge & are Sent forth to determine the matter. ~ ~ ~ ~ And this day (viz) the 12th day of November the aforesd Jury being returned to the Barr in Court, ye Plt & Dft being Called. doe deliver in this following verdict which is Ordered to be read as followeth (viz) Wee of the Jury findeth not guilty Rich: Chambers Matt: Scarbrough. { foreman This Court thinks the matter agt Sd Scarbrough to be malice. & therefore dismisses sd Scarbrough to which judgmt. mr. ffrancis: Jenckins enters his dissent ~ ~ ~ ~
Volume 405, Page 134 View pdf image (33K) |
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