Passed Feb.
5, 1853.
AN ACT to incorporate the Tangier Steam Boat Company.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted
by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Joseph Barkley, Purnell Toadvine,
Hampton H. Dashiell, Sydney C. Long, Isaac
D. Jones, James M. Fooks, John F. Collier, James
Buttingham, John W. Crisfield, William Williams,
Samuel W. Jones, John H. King, Theodore G. Dashiell,
Edward J. Wainwright, John Dougherty, Seth B.
Dashiell, William J. Byrd, George R. Dennis of Littleton,
William A. Kennerly, John W. Taylor, William
H. Rider, John White, Henry Dulany, Thomas Byrd,
Moses C. Smith, William W. Wise, William Daniel,
Samuel S. Costen and John H. Done, subscribers to
the capital stock of the Tangier Steamboat company,
and such other persons as may become subscribers
thereto, their successors and assigns be, and they are
hereby incorporated by the name of the Tangier Steamboat
company, and by that name and title shall have
succession, and shall be capable in law to sue and
be sued in any court of law or equity, and the said
company shall have power to transport passengers, and
every description of freight to and from any port or
place on the Chesapeake Bay or any of its tributary
waters, and generally to do all such acts necessary and
proper for that purpose, and shall have power to charge
and collect such freight for the transportation of passengers
and goods as it may establish, and may build
or purchase and hold all or any wharves, piers and
warehouses which may be necessary or proper for the
convenient and safe transaction of the business of the
said company as authorised by this act.
Capital stock.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted,
That the capital stock
of said company, shall consist of three hundred shares
of one hundred dollars each, but the president and directors
hereinafter mentioned, shall have power to increase
the capital stock to such an amount as may be
found necessary or expedient for the accomplishment
of the objects of this incorporation; Provided, the whole
amount shall not exceed one hundred thousand dollars,
and shall be divided into shares of not more than one
hundred dollars each.
Authority to
adopt laws,
SEC. 3. And be it enacted,
That when two hundred
shares shall have been subscribed, the said company
may go into full operation, and upon notice being
given to the stockholders by advertisement in a