408. An act to authorise
the School Commissioners of Frederick
county to make a division of School District number sixteen
of said county into two separate School Districts.
409. An act requiring new bonds to be given by the
Clerk of
the Court of Common Pleas in Baltimore city, by the Clerk of
the Superior Court of Baltimore city, and by the Register of Wills
of Baltimore city.
410. An act to incorporate the Mount Carbon Coal
and Iron
411. An act to amend the charter of the Philadelphia,
and Baltimore Railroad Company.
412. An act to authorise Clerks of Courts to pass
orders nisi
for the ratification of Auditors' Reports and Accounts.
413. An act to authorise John L. Lankford, administrator
Peter White, free negro, to execute a deed of Manumission for
certain Slaves therein named.
414. An act to incorporate the Baltimore Dock Company.
415. An act relating to the Land Office.
416. An act to incorporate the Werner Mining Company.
417. An act to authorise the Commissioners of Somerset
to levy a tax upon the assessable property for the benefit of the
several School Districts of said county.
418. An act in relation to the State's Taxes levied
in Baltimore
county, for the year eighteen hundred and fifty-three.
419. An act to authorise William Doherty, a native
of Ireland,
to hold and transmit certain real estate in the city of Baltimore.
420. An act to pay Augustus R. Sollers for services
the State, in the case of the State against Thomas C. Worthington,
of Prince George's county, indicted for murder.
421. An act appropriating a sum of money therein
named, to
be paid to William Price, Samuel Tyler, and Frederick Stone,
Commissioners to revise, simplify and abridge the rules of practice
of the Courts of this State, to defray the expense of printing
so much of their work as may be completed before the meeting
of the next General Assembly, and as a partial compensation for
their services, and for the payment to Otho Scott and Hiram McCullough,
Commissioners appointed to codify the laws, of the
sum of two thousand dollars, for the printing of such much of the
code as is prepared, and other expenses incidental thereto.
422. An act relating to non-resident infants.
423. An act to appropriate a sum of money to pay
Hogan and
Thompson, of Philadelphia, for stationery furnished the State
Library during the year eighteen hundred and fifty.
424. An act to cure the defective acknowledgment
of certain
deeds in this act named.