425. An act to amend and
explain the act passed at the January
Session, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, chapter sixty-eight,
so far as regards the compensation to be allowed to Special
426. An act to refund to Solomon Betts and Robert
G. Price,
former Collectors of Queen-Anne's county, a sum of money therein
named, being an overpayment of State Taxes into the Treasury.
427. An act authorising the Register of Wills of
George's county to procure the repairing or rebuilding of certain
Record Books.
428. An act to make valid an indenture of mortgage
Andrew Eichner to Jacob Eichner.
429. An act to incorporate the Union Hotel Company
of Denton,
Caroline county.
430. An act to authorise the County Commissioners
of Baltimore
county to increase the number of Election Districts in said
county, and to empower them to designate the place of holding
Elections in such District or Districts as may be created for the
convenience of the voters of said county.
431. An act to incorporate the Washington County
432. An act to allow mileage to the County Commissioners
and Judges of the Orphans Court of St. Mary's county, and the
County Commissioners of Prince George's county.
433. An act to amend the act incorporating the Franklin
Health Insurance Company of Baltimore.
434. An act to incorporate the Maryland and Georgia
and Manufacturing Company.
435. An act to provide for the payment of costs
adjudged by
the Court of Appeals, against the State, in the case of the State
of Maryland against Milburne and others.
436. An act authorising the Commissioners appointed
to build
a Court House in Dorchester county, to borrow for that purpose
a sum of money not exceeding three thousand dollars, if they
shall deem the same necessary.
437. An act to compensate James M. Buchanan and
Scott, Esquires, for their services as Commissioners appointed
under Resolution number twelve of the General Assembly of
Maryland, passed at January Session, eighteen hundred and
438. An act to make valid a devise and bequest in
the will of
Isaac B. Landing, late of Worcester county, deceased.
439. An act to authorise and empower the County