Passed Feb.
25, 1853.
No. 17.
Resolution authorising the Adjutant General to deliver
Arms to the Professors of Charlotte Hall School.
Resolved by the General Assembly
of Maryland,
That the Adjutant General, be, and he is hereby authorised
to deliver to the Professors of Charlotte Hall school,
for the use of a corps of military students at said institution,
any number of arms and accoutrements, not
exceeding seventy-five of each, when in the armory,
on the Professors giving bond for the safe keeping and
return of the same, as the Adjutant General may require.
Passed May
25, 1853.
No. 18.
Resolution in relation to the Farmers' Club of Frederick.
Resolved by the General Assembly
of Maryland,
That privilege is hereby given to the Farmers' Club of
Frederick county, to hold their agricultural exhibitions
on the public ground attached to the Barracks at Frederick,
until otherwise ordered by the General Assembly
of Maryland.
Passed May
26, 1853.
No. 19.
Resolution authorising the Librarian to furnish William
Price with certain books.
Resolved by the General Assembly
of Maryland,
That the State Librarian be hereby directed to furnish
from the State Library, to William Price, Esquire, of
Allegany county, three volumes of Calendars of the
Proceedings in Chancery, in the reign of Queen Elizabeth,
for the use of the commissioners appointed under
resolution number fourteen, of January session, one
thousand eight hundred and fifty-two, to revise, simplify
and abridge the rules of practice, pleadings, form