of conveyancing, and proceedings in the courts of
State, the said volumes to be returned to the Library,
on the completion of the duties of said commissioners.
No. 20.
Resolution in relation to furnishing certain books to the
County Commissioners of Dorchester county.
Passed May
27, 1853.
Resolved by the General Assembly
of Maryland,
That the Librarian be, and he is hereby authorised to
furnish to the county commissioners of Dorchester county,
a set of Dorsey's Laws, if they can be spared from
the Library.
No. 21.
Resolution returning a vote of thanks to Lieutenant
Colonel Robert
C. Buchanan.
Passed May
27, 1853.
Resolved by the General Assembly
of Maryland,
That the thanks of this body are due to Lieutenant
Colonel Robert C. Buchanan, a native of this State,
for his services in the Black Hawk and Florida wars.