No. 11.
Resolution authorising the Governor to present the
thanks of the State of Maryland to Brevet Major
James Lowery Donaldson.
Passed Feb.
21, 1853
Resolved by the General Assembly
of Maryland,
That the thanks of his native State, are hereby tendered
to Brevert Major James Lowery Donaldson, of the
United States Army, for distinguished gallantry displayed
during the wars of Florida and Mexico.
Resolved, That His Excellency
the Governor, be
requested to transmit to Major Donaldson, a copy of the
foregoing resolution, duly authenticated.
No. 12.
Resolution in reply to the invitation of the Governor
and Legislature of Pennsylvania, to visit that State.
Passed April
27, 1853.
WHEREAS, The Legislature of Pennsylvania,
invited the Governor, the Heads of Departments, and
the Legislature of this State, kindly to visit the Capitol
of Pennsylvania, in the event of their visiting the line
of Rail Road between Harrisburg and Baltimore;
Resolved by the General Assembly
of Maryland,
That the Governor be respectfully requested to inform
the Governor of Pennsylvania, that the Legislature of
this State, highly appreciate the invitation of the Legislature
of Pennsylvania, as an evidence of that friendly
feeling which ought to exist, and which it is hoped
will always exist between the people and the governments
of the State of Pennsylvania and Maryland.
Resolved, That the thanks
of the Legislature of
Maryland, are due and are hereby cordially extended
to the authorities of Pennsylvania, for their fraternal
invitation to become the guests of their State.
Resolved, That this Legislature
accepts the invitation
so obligingly tendered to it, and proposes if it meets
the convenience of the Legislature of Pennsylvania,
to make the excursion to Harrisburgh on Saturday the
sixteenth of April instant.