Passed May
5, 1853.
No. 9.
Resolution authorising the Governor to transmit to the
President of the United States, a certified copy of
the act giving the assent of the State of Maryland, to
such plan as may be adopted by the President of the
United States, for supplying the City of Washington
with water.
Resolved by the General Assembly
of Maryland,
That His Excellency the Governor be requested to
transmit to the President of the United States, a certified
copy of the act entitled, an act giving the assent of
the State of Maryland, to such plan as may be adopted
by the President of the United States, for supplying
the city of Washington with water.
Passed May
5, 1853.
No. 10.
Resolution in favor of the late Commissioner of Loans.
Resolved by the General Assembly
of Maryland,
That in the settlement of the accounts of the late Commissioner
of Loans, the Comptroller allow as a credit
to said commissioner the sum of three thousand and
eighty-eight dollars and twenty-six cents, for expenses
of his office from the year eighteen hundred and thirty-nine,
to the year eighteen hundred and fifty-two.