No. 7.
Resolution authorising the Governor of this State to
transmit to the Governor of New York, a copy of
the report on the petition of Dr. Allen Thomas, of
Howard county, and with the resolution that the
Governor of that State would communicate the same
to the Legislature thereof.
Passed April
12, 1853.
Resolved by the General Assembly
of Maryland,
That the Governor be and he is hereby requested
to transmit to the Governor of New York, a copy of
the foregoing report on the petition of Dr. Allen
Thomas, of Howard county, and of this resolution,
with a request that the Governor of that State would
communicate the same to the Legislature thereof.
No. 8.
Resolution expressing the acknowledgments of the
Legislature for the hospitalities of the authorities
Passed April
23, 1853.
Resolved by the General Assembly
of Maryland,
That the Senate and House of Delegates entertain a
grateful sense of the courtesy and hospitality extended
to them by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, on their
recent visit to Harrisburg, and they recognize in the
cordial invitation, assiduous kindness and devoted attention
of the authorities, the fullest disposition on the
part of the people of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
to cultivate those relations of mutual respect
and amity, on which neighboring States so largely depend
for their prosperity.
Be it further resolved, That
the Governor is hereby
requested to communicate this resolution to the
Governor of Pennsylvania, with a request that it should
be laid before the Legislature of that State, and to express
further to the Executive the full appreciation by
the people of Maryland of his patriotism and dignified
courtesy, and their high respect for his personal and
official conduct.