Passed Feb.
6, 1853.
AN ACT to make valid a deed from William Primrose
and Margaret Ann Primrose, his wife, to John Primrose,
Mary E. Crisp and Thomas Primrose.
Deed made
it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That a deed executed by William Primrose
and Margaret Ann Primrose to John Primrose,
Mary E. Crisp and Thomas Primrose, of Queen Anne's
county, bearing date the twenty-second day of February,
in the year eighteen hundred and fifty, and recorded
in Liber J. T., number six, pages two hundred and
ninety-six, two hundred and ninety-seven and two hundred
and ninety-eight, one of the land record books for
Queen Anne's county, and acknowledged before
Thomas Primrose and George Spry, as Justices of the
Peace, be, and the said deed is hereby confirmed and
made valid and effectual in law, to all intents and purposes
whatsoever, as if Thomas Primrose, one of the
persons before whom the acknowledgment was made,
was at the time of taking such acknowledgment duly
and legally commissioned and qualified according to
law, as one of the State of Maryland's Justices of the
Peace, for Queen Anne's county; the said Thomas
Primrose not having paid at the time of taking the acknowledgments,
aforesaid, to the State the tax on his
commission as Justice of the Peace; Provided, that
nothing herein contained shall be construed to prejudice
the rights of any purchaser for valuable consideration
or any bona fide creditor, whose interest or rights
may have accrued since the execution and acknowledgment
of said deed.
In force.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted,
That this act shall take
effect from its passage.