SEC. 5. And be it enacted,
That all company officers
in said division shall continue to be elected and recommended
for commissions, agreeably to the seventh
section of the act of December session, eighteen hundred
and twenty-five, chapter fifty-six; and if there be
no field or other commanding officer of the regiment,
to call the requisite meeting for the election and recommendation
of company officers, or upon their neglect
or refusal, then that duty, and all the consequential
duties shall be performed by the commanding officer of
the brigade to which said regiment and company are
attached, and if there be no Brigadier General, or if the
Brigadier General shall neglect or refuse to act, then all
said duties shall be performed by the Major General
of the first light division.
Election of
SEC. 6. And be it enacted,
That all regimental
field officers in said division shall be elected and recommended
for commissions in like manner as the company
officers and the commanding officer of the regiment
shall give three days notice in at least three of the daily
newspapers published in said city, of the time and
place of meeting of all the commissioned and non-commissioned
officers and privates belonging to said
regiment, for the purpose of choosing a regimental field
officer or officers to fill any vacancy or vacancies, and
said meetings, or a majority of those present, voting by
ballot, shall elect and recommend accordingly, and the
proceedings of said regimental meeting shall be certified
to the officer who called it, and by him shall be transmitted
to the Governor, with an application for the
needful commission, agreeably to the said seventh section
of the act of eighteen hundred and twenty-five,
chapter fifty-six, aforesaid, and if there be no field officer
or other commanding officer of the regiment, to call
the requisite meeting for the election and recommendation
of regimental field officers, or upon their neglect
or refusal, then that duty, and all the consequential
duties shall be performed by the commanding officer of
the brigade to which said regiment is attached, or upon
his neglect or refusal, by the Major General of the first
light division.
field officers.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted,
That no company of
infantry or rifleman shall continue to exist with less
than thirty, and no company of artillery or cavalry
with less than twenty members, officers included; and
if any company shall appear with a less number four
successive parades, or upon four successive company
returns to the commanding officer of the regiment as
required by law, and if any company shall fail to appear
Company to
consist of not
less than 30.