Failure to pay.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted,
That if said defendants
fail to pay the half of said sum as aforesaid, by the
time prescribed, then execution may issue for the whole
amount of said judgments, and upon failure to pay
the remaining half, execution may issue for the same,
without any scire facias or other delay.
To take effect.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted,
That this act shall take
effect from the time when the said sureties of the said
William H. Blackiston, shall file in the office of the
clerk of the circuit court for Kent county, to be by him
filed with the papers in one of the said judgments,
their assent under their respective hands and seals.
Passed Feb.
23, 1853.
AN ACT to alter and amend the charter of the Canton
company of Baltimore, incorporated by an act entitled,
an act to incorporate the Canton company of
Baltimore, passed at December session, eighteen
hundred and twenty-eight, chapter one hundred and
fifty-nine, and to authorise said company to increase
the number of shares of its capital stock, and to call
for instalments on the same.
issue to stockholders
it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the board of directors of the Canton
company of Baltimore be, and they are hereby authorised
to issue to the stockholders of the said company,
four shares of stock for each and every share of the
now existing capital stock of said company, which shall
be surrendered to be cancelled, and the said board of
directors may levy on the capital stock of said company
so augmented, a sum not exceeding five dollars for every
share, to be paid by the holders of said stock, at such
times, and in such instalments as the said board may require,
for the purposed of improving the property of the
said company; Provided, however; that this act be accepted
at a general meeting of the stockholders of said
company, owning a majority of the shares of its now existing
capital stock, notice being given that at such
meeting this act will be submitted for consideration.
To take effect.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted,
That this act shall take
effect as soon as the same shall be accepted in the
manner provided by the first section hereof.