AN ACT requiring prisoners convicted of offences in
the city of Baltimore, to be put to labor and withholding
from them certain privileges.
Passed March
16, 1853.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted
by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That persons convicted of offences in
the criminal court of Baltimore, after the thirteenth day
of April next, and who are sentenced to imprisonment
in Baltimore city and county jail, shall be put to and
required to labor during such confinement.
Required to
SEC. 2. And be it enacted,
That persons hereafter
sentenced to be imprisoned for offences in the said jail
by the said court shall be kept on prison fare, and not
be allowed any other food or drink, unless by the written
direction of the physician of the jail.
To be kept on
prison fare.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted,
That no admission of
visitors shall be allowed to condemned prisoners during
their confinement, except the official visitors of the
jail, ministers of the gospel, physicians and legal counsel.
Visitors not
SEC. 4. And be it enacted,
That nothing in this
act contained shall apply to prisoners in the said jail
who are under sentence of death.
Not to apply
to prisoners
under sentence
of death.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted,
That this act shall take
effect from its passage.
In force.
AN ACT for the relief of William H. Blackiston and
his sureties.
Passed March
12, 1853.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted
by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That a stay of execution be entered on
each of the judgments in the circuit court for Kent county
against William H. Blackiston, and his sureties in favor
of the State, for monies due the State from said Blackiston,
as collector of said county until the fifteenth day
September in the year eighteen hundred and fifty-five,
on this condition, that the defendants in said judgments
pay one-half of the sum due thereon on or before
the fifteenth day of September eighteen hundred
and fifty-four.
Stay of execution
to be