are hereby further authorised, empowered and required,
to make partition of the remaining two-thirds, of the
said lands, tenements and hereditaments, into three
equal parts, regarding quality as well as quantity, and to
allot and assign, one of those equal parts to the said Susan
H. Raymond, her heirs and assigns in severalty
forever, one other of those equal parts to the said Daniel
Cummins and Martha A. Cummins, his wife, in right
of the said Martha A. Cummins, to be held by the said
Daniel Cummins and Martha A. Cummins, his wife,
in severalty, to and for the use of the said Daniel Cummins,
for and during his natural life, as tenent by the
courtesy, the said Daniel Cummins and Martha A. Cummins,
his wife having issue born alive, and from and
after his death, to and for the use of the said Martha A.
Cummins, her heirs and assigns forever, and the other
or remaining one of those equal parts, to the said George
H. Raymond, to be held by and to, and for the use of
the said George Raymond, his heirs and assigns, in severalty
forever, and the said commissioners or a majority of
them, shall return to the Orphans' court of Kent county
in the State of Delaware, at the regular term thereof,
next after they shall have completed the said assignment
of dower and partition, their proceedings therein, with
a survey and plat of all the said lands, tenements and
hereditaments, showing thereupon distinctly the part
thereof assigned to the said widow, and the parts thereof
allotted to the said children of the said Jacob Raymond,
deceased, respectively, to be recorded and kept in the
said Orphans' court among the records thereof, and shall
make a like return to the circuit court for Kent county,
in the State of Maryland, at the regular term thereof,
next after they shall have completed the said assignment
of dower and partition, to be recorded and kept
in the office of the clerk of said circuit court; said returns
shall be signed by the commissioners or a majority of
them agreeing thereto.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted,
That the said commissioners
and the surveyor nominated by them, before entering
upon the said lands, tenements and hereditaments
shall be severally sworn or affirmed, that is to say: the
commissioners to perform the duties enjoined upon them
by this act, and the surveyor to perform the service to
which he is called by the commissioners, faithfully and
impartially according to their best skill and judgment
respectively, the oath or affirmation may be administered
by any justice of the peace residing in Kent county
in this State, or in Kent county in the State of Delaware;
the chain carriers shall be sworn or affirmed by the surveyor