road or way as not to impede the passage or transportation
of persons or property along the same, or
when it shall be necessary to pass through the land of
any individual, which shall also be their duty to provide
for such individual proper wagon ways across said
roads, from one part of his land to the other.
SEC. 13. And be it enacted,
That the president
and directors or a majority of them, shall have power to
purchase with the funds of said company, and to place on
any rail road constructed by them under this act, all
machines, wagons, vehicles or carriages of any description
whatsoever, which they may deem necessary or
proper, for the purposes of transportation on said road;
and they shall have power to charge for tolls upon,
and the transportation of persons, goods, produce,
merchandise or property of any kind whatsoever, transported
by them along said rail way, any sum not exceeding
the following rates, namely: on all goods, produce,
merchandise or property of any description whatsoever,
transported by them, not exceeding one cent
a ton per mile for toll, and three cents a ton per mile
for transportation, for the transportation of passengers
not exceeding three cents per mile for each passenger,
and it shall not be lawful for any other company, or any
person or persons whatsoever, to travel upon or use any
of the roads of the said company, or to transport persons,
merchandise, produce or property of any description
whatsoever, along said roads or any of them, without
the license or permission of the president and directors
of said company, and that the said road or roads,
with all their works, improvements and profits, and
all machinery of transportation used on said road,
are hereby vested in the said company incorporated
by this act, and their successors forever, and the shares
of the capital stock of the said company shall be deemed
and considered personal estate.
Power to purchase
SEC. 14. And be it enacted,
That as soon as this
act shall have been passed by the Legislature of Maryland,
books may be opened, subscriptions received, and
the said company organized, and that when organized,
the said company, and the president and directors of
the same, shall have all the powers, rights and privileges,
granted by this act, and shall be subject to all its regulations
in constructing or repairing any of said rail roads
or other necessary works or buildings which may be
constructed within the limits of the State of Maryland,
and in transporting persons, goods, merchandise or property
of any description along any of said roads, and
that the provisions of this act shall be wholly in force as
Books to be