Inquisition to
be returned to
clerk of Circuit
and by him
If set aside,
court may direct
wanted, application may be made to any justice of
county, who shall thereupon issue his warrant under
hand and seal, directed to the sheriff of said county,
requiring him to summon a jury of twenty inhabitants
of said county, not related, nor in anywise interested,
to meet on the land, or near to the other property or
materials to be valued, on a day named in said warrant,
not less than ten nor more than twenty days after the
issuing of the same, and if at said time and place any
of said jurors summoned do not attend, the said sheriff
shall immediately summon as many jurors as may be
necessary, with the jurors in attendance, to furnish a
panel of twenty jurors, in attendance, and from them,
each party, or its, his, her or their agent, if either be
not present in person or by agent, the sheriff, for him,
her, it or them, may strike off four jurors, and the remaining
twelve shall act as a jury of inquest of damages;
and before they act as such, the said sheriff shall
administer to each of them an oath or affirmation, as
the case may be, that he will justly and impartially
value the damages which the owner or owners will
sustain by the use or occupation of the same, required
by the company; and the said jury shall reduce their
inquisition to writing, and shall sign and seal the
same, and it shall then be returned by said sheriff to
the clerk of the circuit court of his county, as the case
may be, and by such clerk filed in his court, and shall
be confirmed by said court at its next session, if no
sufficient cause to the contrary be shown, and when
confirmed, shall be recorded by said clerk, at the expense
of said company; but if set aside the said court
may direct another inquisition to be taken in the
manner above prescribed, and such inquisition shall
describe the property taken, or the bounds of the land
condemned, and the quantity or duration of the interest
in the same, valued for the company, and such
valuation when paid or tendered to the owner or owners
of said property, or his, her or their legal representatives,
shall entitle the said company to the use, estate
and interest in the same thus valued, as fully as if it had
been conveyed by the owner or owners of the same; and
the valuation if not received when tendered, may at
any time thereafter be received from the company without
costs by the said owner or owners, or his, her or
their legal representative or representatives.
To provide
wagon ways.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted,
That whenever in the
construction of said road or roads, it shall be necessary
to cross or intersect any established road or way, it shall
be the duty of the president and directors of said company,
so to construct the said road across such established