to all the property of the company which may be situated
or may be within the State of Maryland, and
which said company is permitted to hold under this
SEC. 15. And
be it enacted, That full right and
privilege is hereby reserved to the citizens of this
State, or any company hereafter to be incorporated
under the authority of this State, to connect with the
road hereby provided for, or any other rail road, leading
from the main route to any part or parts of this State;
Provided, that in forming such connection, no injury
shall be done to the works of the company hereby incorporated.
Power to issue
SEC. 16. And be it enacted,
That the president and
directors of said company, shall have power to issue
bonds or certificates of indebtedness under the seal of
said company in such sum or sums as said company
may prefer, and to sell and dispose of the same upon
such terms as to said company may seem proper, and to
pledge the property and profits of said company to
secure the payment thereof, and also with power to
convert the bonds so issued into capital stock of said
company, upon such terms as may be agreed upon between
the holder or holders of said bonds and said
president and directors.
Power to contract
with any
other road to
SEC. 17. And be it enacted,
That the president and
directors of said company shall have full power and
authority to connect the rail road which may be constructed
under the provisions of this act, with any other
rail road now existing or which may hereafter be constructed,
and also to make such contracts and arrangements
with the president and directors of such rail road
for the through transportation of passengers and merchandise,
and all property of what kind soever, in the
cars or carriages of either company as may appear to
said president and directors convenient and advantageous.
Power to connect
other roads.
SEC. 18. And be it enacted,
That if the company
hereby incorporated, shall be unable from want of funds
or any other cause to construct said rail road the whole
length of the route indicated in this act, they shall have
power and authority to connect said road with any
other rail road now existing or which may hereafter be
constructed, connecting with the main stem of the Baltimore
and Ohio rail road.
Banking forbid.
SEC. 19. And be it enacted,
That the said company
shall not be authorised to issue any certificate,
note, scrip or other device to be used as a currency.