certificates or other evidence of such loans and
to pledge
the property of the company for the payment of the
same and its interest.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted,
That the president
and directors of said company shall be, and they are
hereby invested with all the rights and powers necessary
to the construction and repair of a rail road from
some suitable point at or near the junction of the Annapolis
and Elk-Ridge rail road with the Washington
branch of the Baltimore and Ohio rail road, to intersect
the main stem of the Baltimore and Ohio rail road at
some suitable point between the Monocacy viaduct and
Woodbine depot, as in their judgment may be most expedient,
not exceeding sixty feet wide, with as many
sets of tracts as the said president and directors or a majority
of them deem necessary; and they or a majority
of them, may cause to be made, or contract with others
for making said rail road, or any part of it, and they,
their agents, or those with whom they may contract for
making any part of the same or their agents, may enter
upon and use, and excavate any land which may be
wanted for the site of said road, or the erection of warehouses
or other works necessary to said road, or for any
other purpose necessary or useful in the construction or
repair of said road or its works, and that they may
build bridges, may fix scales and weights, may lay rails,
may take and use any earth, timber, gravel, stone or
other materials which may be wanted for the construction
or repair of any part of said road, or any of its
works, and may make and construct all works whatsoever
which may be necessary and expedient in order to
the proper completion of said road; and they or a majority
of them, may make or cause to be made lateral
rail roads in connection with the said rail road, to connect
with any other rail road which has been chartered
or may hereafter be chartered by the General Assembly
of Maryland.
Vested rights.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted,
That the president and
directors of said company or a majority of them, or
any person or persons, authorised by a majority of them,
may agree with the owner or owners of any land, earth,
timber, gravel, stone or other materials, or any improvements
which may be wanted for the construction or
repairs of any of said roads, or any of their works, for
the purchase, or use and occupation of the same, and
if they cannot agree, or if the owner or owners, or any
of them, be a feme covert, under age, non compos
mentis or out of the county, in which the property
wanted may lie, when such land or materials shall be
President and
directors may
agree with
owners of
lands which
may be wanted.
In case of
sheriff to summon
jury of