and directed to levy upon the assessable property
of said
county, such additional sum as will divide to each
school district, two hundred and fifty dollars, independent
of the State fund.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted,
That it shall not be lawful,
after the expiration of the present year, for the taxable
inhabitants of any primary school district, in Anne
Arundel county, to levy any tax upon the assessable
property of said district for the support of said schools;
and all laws or parts of laws which authorise the imposition
of such tax be, and the same are hereby repealed.
Not lawful for
taxable inhabitants
to levy.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted,
That nothing in this act
contained shall be so construed as to apply to the city
of Annapolis, now known and designated as primary
school district number thirty-eight of said county.
Not to apply
to Annapolis.
AN ACT to incorporate the Howard Rail Road Company.
Passed May
16, 1853.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted
by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Joseph W. Tyson, Wesley Linthicum,
William Welling, Charles R. Stewart, Peter Gorman,
Charles Carroll, Isaac C. Anderson, Gustavus
Warfield, W. W. Watkins, Charles G. Hanson, James
Clark, James Teakle, Perry Gaither, Adam C. Warner,
Upton Dorsey, of Howard county; and Allen
Bowie Davis and E. J. Hall, of Montgomery county;
James Iglehart, Captain Thomas Franklin, George
Wells, John Walton, Doctor John Ridout, Jonathan
Pinkney, John Johnson, Dennis Claude and Captain
J. Wilmot, of Anne Arundel county, be, and are hereby
appointed commissioners, under the direction of a majority
of whom, subscriptions may be received to the
capital stock of the Howard rail road company, hereby
incorporated, and they or a majority of them, may
cause books to be opened at such times and places as
they may direct, for the purpose of receiving subscriptions
to the capital stock of said company, to which any
person, corporation or association of individuals, may
subscribe, after giving such notice of the times and
places of opening the same as they deem proper,
and that upon the first opening of said books, they shall
to receive