SEC. 20. And be it enacted,
That this act of incorporation
shall enure for twenty years from the date
of its passage, and until the end of the next session of
the Legislature thereafter; and that the Legislature reserves
to itself the right to amend or repeal said act at
Act to enure
for 20 years.
SEC. 21. And be it enacted,
That for each and every
policy of insurance issued by this company, it shall be
the duty of the president or directors thereof to pay
to the State Treasurer one dollar.
$1 to be paid
Treasurer for
each policy.
AN ACT to authorise the George's Creek Coal and Iron
Company to attach side-bridges to their Rail Road
bridge over the Potomac, and to charge tolls on the
Passed May
23, 1853.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted
by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That if the George's Creek Coal and
Iron company, shall at any time hereafter attach to or
connect with their rail road bridge now erected over the
Potomac river, at or near the mouth of George's creek
a suitable road, way or ways, for the passage of persons,
live stock, or vehicles, it shall and may be lawful for
the said company by its agent or agents to charge and
collect tolls for the use of the same not exceeding the
following rates, to wit: For each and every person
whether on foot or otherwise five cents; for each animal
of burden or draught, and of neat cattle five cents; for
every head of smaller live stock whose flesh is or may
be used for food three cents; and for every wheeled
vehicle ten cents per wheel; and those rates or such
others of less amount which may or shall be adopted
by the said company from time to time, and which
shall be conspicuously marked in writing, printing or
otherwise, upon or near said bridge, so as to be capable
of being easily observed and read, shall be applicable
to the passage over and use of said bridge in either
direction going or returning; Provided, that no person
or thing shall be charged tolls for passing, how frequently
Authority to
charge tolls.