church; Provided, such lot or parcel of ground
be not
within the limits of the city of Baltimore, shall not exceed
twenty-five acres, and to be used and held for the
purposes of a cemetery only.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted,
That any informality
that may have occurred in keeping up the succession of
said corporation, be and the same is hereby waived and
cured, and that this act shall take effect from its passage.
Passed Feb.
12, 1853.
AN ACT in addition to an act, entitled, an act to incorporate
John Brant's Iron and Coal Company,
passed at December session eighteen hundred and
forty-five, chapter one hundred and thirty-seven.
WHEREAS, buy the act of eighteen
hundred and forty-five,
chapter one hundred and thirty-seven, John Brant
and others, were together with those who might become
connected with them in the manner therein prescribed,
constituted a body corporate by the name of Brant's
Iron and Coal company; And whereas, in consequence
of the death of John Brant, within the time prescribed
for the organization of the said company, the same
hath never been organized, and it being just and reasonable
that the corporate franchised granted by the said
act should not be forfeited without any default of the
parties; Therefore,
rights conferred.
SECTION. 1. Be it enacted
by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the corporate rights, franchises and
privileges conferred by the act to which this is a supplement
on John Brant and his associates be, and the
same are hereby vested in, and conferred upon Elisha
P. Brant, George B. M. Price, John Everett, J. M.
Price, John F. Dilly, Samuel H. White and Thomas
Devecmon, and that the period of two years from the
passage of this act be allowed the said last named persons
or a majority of them, to organize the said company
according to the provisions of the said original act
and of this supplement.
Right to hold
SEC. 2. And be it enacted,
That the said company
shall have the right to hold and possess lands, not exceeding
the quantity of six thousand acres altogether,