AN ACT to authorise the Association of the Church
of Saint Vincent De Paul in the city of Baltimore, to
sell their cemetery and purchase another.
Passed Feb.
10, 1853.
WHEREAS, The Association of the
church of Saint
Vincent De Paul are desirous of selling their cemetery
lot, which is within those limits of the city of Baltimore,
and with the proceeds thereof, of purchasing one
more suitable beyond the limits, and have preferred
their petition therefor, numerously signed by those interested
SECTION 1. Be it enacted
by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the Reverend Leonard Obermeyer,
James H. Bevans, Isaac Hartman, Owen O'Brian,
William Johnson and John F. Connolly of said city,
represented to be the regularly appointed members of
the association of the church of Saint Vincent of
Paul, a corporation organised under the act of Assembly
of December session, eighteen hundred and two,
chapter one hundred and eleven, and supplements, by
agreement or regulation recorded in Liber T. K., number
sixty-three, folio one hundred and fifty-four, &c.,
one of the chattle records of Baltimore county, and
their successors, be and they are hereby authorised and
empowered to sell and convey, in whole or in parcels,
in fee simple, in the name aforesaid of said corporation,
and by such instrument of writing, and such mode of
execution and acknowledgment as are usual in similar
conveyances by corporations, all that lot or parcel of
ground, with the appurtenances in the city of Baltimore,
belonging to said corporation, which is particularly
described and conveyed in a deed from Hugh M.
Koema and wife, and others, to the Reverend John B.
Gilden, now deceased, dated on the nineteenth day of
March, eighteen hundred and thirty-five, and recorded
among the land records of Baltimore county, in Liber
T. K., number two hundred and forty-six, folio three
hundred and sixteen, and subsequently by decree of the
Superior court of Baltimore city, in the cause of said
corporation against the heirs at law of the Rev. John
B. Gilden, directed to be conveyed to said corporation.
Authority to
sell and convey.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted,
That said corporation
be and is hereby further authorised and empowered to
purchase in their own name, in fee simple, any lot or
parcel of ground, which, in the opinion of its members,
may answer for a cemetery for the congregation of said
Authority to
ground for a