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Session Laws, 1853
Volume 403, Page 19   View pdf image (33K)
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        E. LOUIS LOWE, ESQUIRE, GOVERNOR.                                        19
and that the said company, shall not be restricted, to
holding lands in the Westernport district alone, as provided
by the said original act.

     SEC. 3.  And be it enacted, That subscriptions to
the capital stock of the said company, shall be received
by the said persons or a majority of them named
in this act, to organize the said company, as provided
buy the fourth section of the said original act, and
that all such subscriptions may be paid either in money
or in lands at a price to be agreed upon between the
said persons or a majority of them named in this act,
and those make the said subscriptions, and the said
capital stock shall consist of not less than five thousand
nor more than thirty thousand shares of one hundred
dollars each.
to capital
     SEC. 4.  And be it enacted, That the corporate name
of the said company be, and the same is hereby altered
and changed to the Baltimore Coal company.
Name changed.
     SEC. 5.  And be it enacted, That the said original
act of incorporation to which this is a supplement,
passed at December session eighteen hundred and forty-five,
chapter one hundred and thirty-seven be, and the
same is hereby revived except the third, tenth and
thirteenth sections thereof, which are hereby repealed;
And provided also, that the said act of incorporation
may at any time, after the organization of said company,
be amended or repealed at the pleasure of the
     Original act
revived, except
3rd, 10th
and 13th sections.
      SEC. 6.  And be it enacted, That the said company
shall have the right and power to lay out, construct and
keep in repair a railroad with its appendages for the use
and operation of said company, and for bringing their
products to market from their mines to the town of
Cumberland, or to any point on the Chesapeake and
Ohio Canal or Baltimore and Ohio rail road, the said
company shall have the right to purchase and to hold
any such lands as may be necessary for their coal deposits,
and in order to connect their business in a suitable
manner with the canal basin, and its boating, and for the
purpose of laying out, constructing and repairing said rail
road, the company shall have the right of passing over the
land lying in the tract of said road, and condemning
the same if necessary according to and in manner following
to wit; Provided, the president and directors
or a majority of them, or any person or persons authorised
by a majority of them, cannot agree with the owner
or owners of any lands, earth, gravel or stone, which
may be wanted for the construction or repair of said road
or any of its works, for the purchase, use or occupation
     Power conferred.


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Session Laws, 1853
Volume 403, Page 19   View pdf image (33K)
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