Passed May
2, 1853.
AN ACT to carry into effect the third section of the
first article of the Constitution, by prescribing punishments
for fraudulent practices at elections.
Punishment to
be inflicted.
it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That any person who shall remove into
any election district, or ward of the city of Baltimore,
not for the purpose of acquiring a bona fide residence
therein, but for the purpose of voting therein at an approaching
election, or who shall vote in any election
district or ward in which he does not reside, (except in
the case provided for in the first article of the Constitution,)
or shall, at the same election, vote in more
than one election district or ward, or shall vote or offer
to vote, in any name not his own, or in place of any
other person of the same name, or shall vote in any
county in which he does not reside, shall on conviction
be punished by a fine not less than ten dollars nor exceeding
one hundred dollars, and by imprisonment in the
county or city jail for thirty days.
Duty of
judges of elections.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted,
That it shall be the
special duty of the judges of elections to give information
to the respective States attorneys of all infractions
of this act, when discovered by them, under the penalty
of twenty dollars for neglect in each case.
Passed May
2, 1853.
AN ACT to carry into effect the provisions of the Constitution
relative to the returns
of Elections.
Returns to be
made to Governor.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted
by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That all elections of judges and other
officers, provided for by the Constitution, (except that
of the Governor,) shall be certified, and the returns
made, respectively, by the clerks of the circuit courts of
the counties, and by the clerk of the superior court of
Baltimore city, to the Governor. |
Election of
State's Attorneys.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted,
That elections of State's
attorneys shall also be certified, and returns made by