the aforesaid officers to the judges respectively,
have criminal jurisdiction.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted,
That elections of Governor
shall be certified, and the returns under seal made
by the aforesaid officers, and addressed to the Speaker
of the House of Delegates, and enclosed and transmitted
to the Secretary of State.
Election of
AN ACT relating to that portion of the Franklin Rail
Road, that lies within the State of Maryland, providing
for its sale to pay the debts of the Franklin Rail
Road Company, and for the immediately relaying and
renewal of said road.
Passed April
20, 1853.
WHEREAS, The Franklin rail road
company, incorporated
by an act of the General Assembly of the
State of Pennsylvania of the twelfth of March A. D.
eighteen hundred and thirty-two, was authorised by an
act of the General Assembly of this State, passed at
December session eighteen hundred and thirty-six,
chapter seventy-nine, to locate and construct a portion
of its road within this State, upon certain terms and
conditions expressed in said act and other acts of Assembly
relating thereto, and said company accordingly constructed
a rail road in this State from a point on the
State line of Pennsylvania, bordering on Washington
county, in this State to the town of Hagerstown in
said county; and whereas, the said company having
incurred heavy debts in the construction of the said
work, which it was and is unable to pay and the entire
road having become greatly dilapidated, the State
of Pennsylvania by an act of the General Assembly,
approved on the tenth day of April A. D. eighteen
hundred and fifty, for the purpose of giving to the creditors
of the said company a more effectual remedy for
the recovery of their debts, and preventing the said
road from falling into a State of entire dilapidation appointed
and constituted Samuel D. Culbertson, Joseph
Snively and William Heyser of Franklin county, in
the State of Pennsylvania, trustees, to sell that portion
of said road which is situated in said county and State,
under certain conditions and provisions in said act contained,