Name of company.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted,
That the stockholders
in said company shall be, and they are hereby incorporated
and constituted a body politic by the name of the
Hagerstown and Sharpsburg Turnpike company, and
by that same name shall have succession during the
continuance of this corporation, and the said stockholders
and their successors, by the name aforesaid, may sue
and be sued, answer and be answered, in any court of
law or equity in this State, and may do and execute
every other matter and thing by the name aforesaid,
that they are authorized to do in virtue of this act.
Power to receive
SEC. 4. And be it enacted,
That the president and
managers, after their election as hereinbefore provided
for, shall have full power to receive additional subscriptions
for the unsubscribed stock or vacant shares, and
when a sufficient sum has been raised and paid in, to
construct said road, no further subscription shall be received,
and said president and managers shall cause the
road to be laid out on or near the bed of the county
road leading from Hagerstown through Jones's cross
roads to Sharpsburg, making an artificial bed of stone
or gravel, not less than sixteen feet in breadth.
To be completed
five years.
SEC. 5. And
be it enacted, That said company shall
cause said road to be completed within five years from
the passage of this act, otherwise the right of said stockholders
shall revert to the State of Maryland.
of Washington
authorised to
SEC. 6. And be it enacted,
That the commissioners'
board of Washington county be, and they are hereby
authorised to subscribe for such number of shares not
exceeding three hundred, in the capital stock of the
company hereby incorporated, that they may deem expedient
and proper to be subscribed for, in the name and
for the benefit of Washington county, and to be represented
at all meetings of the stockholders of said company,
by the county commissioners for the time being,
or by such person or persons as may be duly authorised
by them.
Power to erect
toll gates.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted,
That the said company
shall have the right to erect upon said road two toll
gates; Provided, said gates be not erected within one
mile and a half from the town of Hagerstown, or one
mile and a half from the town of Sharpsburg; and
they are hereby authorised to appoint such, and so many
toll gatherers as they shall think proper, who are empowered
to collect and receive of, and from all and
every person and persons using said road, the tolls and
rates hereinafter mentioned, and to stop any person
riding, leading or driving any horses, cattle, sheep, sulky,
chaise, phaeton, coach, coachee, cart, wagon, sleigh,