sled or other carriage of pleasure or burthen, from
through said gate until they have respectively paid the
same; that is to say, the following sums of money, and so
in proportion for any greater or lesser number of sheep,
hogs or cattle, namely; for every score of sheep five
cents, for every score of hogs five cents, for every score
of cattle ten cents, for every horse and his rider or led
horse three cents, for every sulky or chaise with one
horse and two wheels five cents, for every chariot, coach,
stage, wagon, phaeton or chaise with two horses and
four wheels ten cents, for either of the carriages last
mentioned, with four horses twenty cents, for every other
vehicle, by whatever name it may be known, the like
sums, according to the number of wheels and horses
drawing the same, for every cart or wagon whose
wheels do not exceed the breadth of four inches five
cents for each horse drawing the same, for each cart
or wagon whose wheels shall exceed in breadth four
inches and not exceeding seven inches three cents for
each horse drawing the same, and for every wagon whose
wheels shall exceed seven inches in breadth, two cents
for each horse drawing the same.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted,
That this company,
during the construction of the turnpike road as aforesaid,
may prevent travel upon said road, when, in their
judgment the use of the same will work an injury to
the road; and so soon as one half of said road shall
have been completed, the said company are hereby authorised
to erect one gate for toll, and to charge the rates
as provided by the seventh section of this act, and that
all the privileges heretofore conferred upon the commissioners
to raise money for the construction of this turnpike
road, are hereby granted to the stockholders of
this company.
Company may
prevent travel
upon road.
Toll gate.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted,
That nothing in this act
shall be construed as to authorise said corporation to
issue any note, token or script, device or other evidence
of debt, to be used as a currency; and that the Legislature
reserves to itself the right to alter or amend this
act of incorporation at pleasure.
Banking forbid.