AN ACT to incorporate a company to construct a Turnpike
road from Hagerstown in Washington county to
the town of Sharpsburg.
Passed April
14, 1853.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted
by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Martin Emmert, John W. Breatherd,
William Jones, George S. Kennedy, Robert Fowler,
Dr. Thomas Maddox, Dr. Frisby Tilghman, John
Booth, Jacob Fiery, Jonathan Stouffer, Samuel Mumma,
Dr. William Grimes, Jacob Miller, Colonel John
Miller, Jacob H. Grove, James Piper, Joseph P. Mong,
David Clagett and Benjamin Rowland, and all other
persons who may have subscribed, or may hereafter
subscribe to the stock of said company, be and they
are hereby incorporated a body politic, for making a
Turnpike road, to be commenced at some point within
the corporate limits of the town of Hagerstown, and
extend to the town of Sharpsburg by Jones's cross
SEC. 2. And be it enacted,
That the capital stock
of said company shall not exceed forty thousand dollars,
to be divided into shares of twenty-five dollars
each, and as soon as subscribers to said stock, amounting
to the sum of ten thousand dollars are obtained, a
majority so subscribing shall give three weeks publication
in one or more newspapers published in Hagerstown,
of the time and place designated by them for
the stockholders in said company to meet for the purpose
of organizing said corporation, choosing by a plurality
of votes by ballot, a president and five managers,
three of whom shall constitute a quorum; and they
shall select in the same manner by ballot, a treasurer,
and such other officers as they shall deem necessary for
conducting the affairs of said company, until the first
Monday in November thereafter, and until a new election
shall be held, which said election shall be held annually
on the third Monday of November, and that
said president and managers shall make such rules, by-laws
and regulations as may to them seem necessary
for the well governing of the affairs of said company;
that all stockholders, in any election of the officers of
said corporation shall be entitled to vote as follows:
one vote for each share of stock; Provided, that no
person or body politic, shall have more than thirty
votes, whatever number of shares he, she or they, may
be entitled to.
Capital stock.