with the lots of the late Joseph Redue,
Dr. P. Wroth,
and Thomas Cuff, to or near Chester River, then on
the lands of James F. Gordon on said river to Ratcliffe
Creek, thence across said creek by a bridge and causeway,
or by a causeway alone, to the lands of S. W.
Spencer, thence along the river of the lands of S. W.
Spencer, and Pere Wilmer or Hanson's heirs, to or near
the mouth of Muddy Creek, thence across said creek
by a causway or bridge to the lands of Edward Wilkins,
Thomas Baker and others, and thence along said
lands in a direct line, so far as practicable, by the house
or lands of Joseph Dublin to the main road leading from
Quaker Neck to Chester Town.
SEC. 2. And
be it enacted, That said Commissioners,
or a majority of them, shall have power to value
and assess the damages sustained by the owners of the
lands over which the said road is to be located, taking
into consideration the benefits and disadvantages of said
road, and to return the survey plot and assessment of
damages to the county commissioners of Kent county,
and any persons deeming themselves aggrieved by said
return and proceedings, shall have a hearing before the
county commissioners on a day to be named by said
commissioners, of which place and time official notice
shall be given to the parties deeming themselves aggrieved,
by the clerk of the commissioners, at least
one week before the day of meeting of said commissioners,
and the said commissioners shall have power
to increase or diminish the assessment of damages according
to their judgment upon hearing, and then proceed
to ratify and confirm said return, and cause the
same to be filed and recorded among the public records
of Kent county in the office of the clerk of the circuit
court for said county.
Power to
value damages.
SEC. 3. And
be it enacted, That the county commissioners
of Kent county shall, in the year eighteen
hundred and fifty-three, levy a sum of money not
exceeding nine hundred dollars, as may be required
to defray the expenses of opening, surveying, laying
off and locating said road, as well as the payment
of damages to the owners, through which it will
pass, and shall cause the said road to be made and
opened as aforesaid, and when so made and opened it
shall be deemed and taken as a public road, and kept
in repair at the expense of the county.
SEC. 4. And
be it enacted, That the said commissioners
shall, before they proceed to act, take an oath
that they will faithfully execute the duties imposed on
them by this act to the best of their ability, and without
Oath of commissioners