of said county, in such manner and at such times
as will in their judgment best suit the interest and convenience
of the tax payers of said county.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted,
That this act shall take
effect from and after the date of its passage.
In force.
AN ACT to make valid a deed from Singleton Townsend
and Catharine Townsend, his wife, to Benedict
Passed April
13, 1853.
Be it enacted by the General
Assembly of Maryland,
That the deed from Singleton Townsend and
Catharine Townsend, his wife, to Benedict Boone,
executed on the twenty-second day of January, eighteen
hundred and thirty-three, and recorded on the
twenty-fifth day of February, eighteen hundred and
thirty-three, in Liber J. S. number forty-one, folios
four hundred and sixty-six and four hundred and sixty-seven,
one of the land records of Frederick county,
and acknowledged before two justices of the peace, in
and for Washington county, District of Columbia, be
and the same is hereby confirmed, and made as valid
and effectual in law, as if the said deed had been duly
acknowledged before the chief judge of the circuit
court of the United States, for Washington county, in
the District of Columbia, and his official character had
been duly certified thereto.
Made valid.