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Session Laws, 1853
Volume 403, Page 105   View pdf image (33K)
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        E. LOUIS LOWE, ESQUIRE, GOVERNOR.                                        105
of the property within their respective districts,
within the time required by said act, and Michael
Tober, Augustine H. Pennington and William H.
Meyers, assessors, so as aforesaid, appointed to value and
assess the property within the seventeenth and eighteenth
wards of the city of Baltimore, be and they are
hereby authorised and required to complete the valuation
and assessment of the property within their respective
districts and to make return thereof, to the county
commissioners of their respective counties, or to the
appeal tax court of Baltimore city, as the case may be,
on or before the second Monday of April, eighteen hundred
and fifty-three.

     SEC. 2.  And be it enacted, That all the acts, and
proceedings of the said assessors, had or done, or which
shall be done or had before the said second Monday of
April, shall be and they are hereby declared to be as
valid and effectual, as if they had been, had or done
by the assessors appointed by said act, and within the
time required by said act.
Acts declared
     SEC. 3.  And be it enacted, That the county commissioners
of the counties only in which the assessments
have not been completed, and returns thereof
made within the time required by law, and the appeal
tax court of Baltimore city, shall assemble at
the usual places of meeting, on the Tuesday next after
the second Monday of April aforesaid, and there
continue in session until the fourth Monday of April,
eighteen hundred and fifty-three, Sundays excepted,
(having given notice as required by the twenty-sixth
section of said act of eighteen hundred and fifty-two,)
to show the returns of valuation and assessment required
to be made by this act, to every person holding or
owning property in said counties or city, to furnish such
person or persons, such extract from said returns as may
reasonably be required, and further, to hear and determine
the complaints and appeals of persons who
may deem themselves aggrieved by the valuation of
the said assessors, and to do and exercise all the acts,
powers and authorities which the said commissioners,
and the said appeal tax court, are required or authorised
to do or exercise by the aforesaid act.
to hold
session to
show returns.
     SEC. 4.  And be it enacted, That the time for the
making out the return to the Comptroller of the summary
accounts or lists mentioned in the thirtieth section
of said act of eighteen hundred and fifty-two, be and
the same is hereby extended to the tenth day of May,
eighteen hundred and fifty-three.
Time extended.

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Session Laws, 1853
Volume 403, Page 105   View pdf image (33K)
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