Materials of
present jail.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted,
That the county commissioners
be authorised to dispose of the materials of
which the present jail is composed, as they may deem
best for the interest of the county.
In force.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted,
That this act shall take
effect from and after its passage.
Passed March
26, 1853.
AN ACT to extend the time for completing the assessment
of property in this State, as required by chapter
three hundred and thirty-seven of the Act, passed
at January session, eighteen hundred and fifty-two,
and to legalize defective and irregular proceedings in
the execution of said act.
WHEREAS, In several of the counties
of this State,
the assessors appointed by or by virtue of the act of the
General Assembly of Maryland, passed at January session,
eighteen hundred and fifty-two, chapter three
hundred and thirty-seven, have not been able to complete
and make return of their assessments within the time
required by law; And whereas, in consequence of the errors
and omissions in the returns made by the assessors of
the ninth district of the city of Baltimore, composed of the
seventeenth and eighteenth wards of said city, it was
deemed advisable to have a new assessment and valuation,
made of the property within said district, to effect
which at the earliest practicable time, the mayor of the
city of Baltimore divided the said district into two, one
consisting of the seventeenth ward, and the other of
the eighteenth ward, and appointed Michael Toner,
Augustine H. Pennington and William H. Harman,
as assessors of the seventeenth ward, and James Peregoy,
Isaiah Gardner and Henry Meyers, as assessors of
the eighteenth ward: Now, therefore, for the purpose
of extending the time of completing the said assessments
and of legalising defective and irregular proceedings
in the execution of the provisions of the said act
of Assembly,
Time to complete
SECTION. 1. Be it enacted
by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the assessors appointed in or by
virtue of the aforesaid act of Assembly, who have failed
to complete and make return of the valuation and assessment