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Session Laws, 1853
Volume 403, Page 102   View pdf image (33K)
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102                                        LAWS OF MARYLAND.

Passed March
23, 1853.
                                   CHAPTER 97.

AN ACT to repeal the several acts of Assembly therein
     mentioned, and to empower the Commissioners of
     Allegany county, to collect certain monies heretofore
     levied for the erection of a new Jail, and to appropriate
     the same to the erection of said jail, and to levy an
     additional sum of money as therein provided.
     WHEREAS, By the act of eighteen hundred and
forty-nine, chapter three hundred and ninety-six, the
commissioners of Allegany county were authorised to
assess and levy upon the taxable property in said county,
for two successive years, a sum of money not exceeding
two thousand dollars in each year to repair or rebuild
the jail of said county, and John Barnard, Daniel
Blocher and Henry Bruce were appointed commissioners
to superintend the work, and to expend the said appropriation
when made; And whereas, also, a supplement
to the said act was passed at the same session,
chapter five hundred and two, which was subsequently
repealed by the act of eighteen hundred and fifty-two,
chapter ninety-seven; And whereas, also, the said last
mentioned act authorised the said commissioners to levy
the sum of two thousand dollars in addition to the sum
of four thousand dollars authorised to be levied by the
original act to be expended in the erection of a new
jail; And whereas, also, the said commissioners of Allegany
county in pursuance of the said acts did, at their
annual levy session in the year eighteen hundred and
fifty, assess the sum of one thousand dollars on the taxable
property of said county, and did also, at their annual
levy session in the year eighteen hundred and
fifty-one, assess the additional sum of two thousand
dollars upon the taxable property of said county, and
which said sums of money so levied remain in the
hands of the collectors of the county taxes in said county
for the said respective years, or in the hands of the
commissioners or superintendents or some one of them,
appointed by the said original act; And whereas, also,
in consequence of the refusal or failure to act of the
said commissioners named in the original act, the said
sums of money have never been applied towards the
erection of the said jail; Therefore,
     Authority to
collect money
heretobefore levied.
     SECTION 1.  Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland,
That the commissioners of Allegany
county be, and they are hereby authorised to collect,
sue for, demand and receive the said two sums of money

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Session Laws, 1853
Volume 403, Page 102   View pdf image (33K)
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