make any connection with any existing rail road, and
construct such connection to the Pennsylvania line as
aforesaid, then so much of said act being the twentieth
section thereof, as declares such charter forfeited in case
the road provided for in the twelfth section thereof is
not commenced in six years after the passage of said
act, and shall not be completed in twelve years from the
commencement thereof, shall be inoperative and void.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted,
That the president and
directors of said company shall have full power and authority
to connect any rail road, to which said company
may become entitled under the provisions of this or the
original act, in which this is a supplement, with any
other rail road hereafter constructed, leading from the
Pennsylvania line to the town of Bedford in Pennsylvania,
and also to make such contracts and arrangements
with the persons or company making such road,
for the thorough transportation of passengers and merchandize
in the cars and carriages of either road, as may
appear to said president and directors convenient and
advantageous; Provided, that Pittsburg and Connellsville
rail road company, as proposed to be chartered
by a bill now pending, in the laying out and constructing
their road from the town of Cumberland to
the Pennsylvania line, shall have priority of choice over
any road to be laid out or contracted by the said
Cumberland and Pennsylvania rail road company in
the right of way.
Authority to
connect rail
road, &c.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted,
That the president and
directors of said company, are hereby authorised and
empowered to receive any existing rail road or any part
thereof, in payment of any subscription of stock which
may be made to said road by any incorporated company
or individuals, at such rate as may be agreed upon
between said president and directors and said individual
or incorporated company so subscribing, and that any
incorporated company now existing in Allegany county
are hereby authorised and empowered to subscribe to
the capital stock of said company.
Authorised to
receive existing
rail road
in payment of
SEC. 6. And be it enacted,
That this act shall take
effect from the day of its passage.
In force.