No. 106.
Resolved, That the register of the land office
issue to John
Truck of Frederick county, a warrant for fifty acres of land to
be located on unappropriated land belonging to this state in
Allegany county heretofore unpatented, as a donation granted by
this state to the revolutionary soldiers, who served in the Maryland
line during the revolutionary war, and to which they consider
him entitled.
Dec. Ses. 1825.
Passed March
9, 1826.
John Truck.
No. 107.
Resolved, That the judges of elections in the
ninth election
district of Baltimore county, shall be, and are hereby authorised
and required to receive on the first Monday of October
next, ballots from the voters thereof, for the purpose of taking
and ascertaining the opinion of the majority of the voters of
said district upon the propriety of changing the place of holding
elections in said district, which opinion shall be expressed
on the ballots by the words " for removal to Peter Ulricks," or
" against removal," and the same having been counted, a return
thereof shall be made by the judges aforesaid, to the clerk
of Baltimore county, who shall forward the same to the next
general assembly of Maryland; and it is hereby made the duty
of the judges aforesaid, to cause several notices to be set up at
the place of election at the time of opening the polls, that such
ballots will be received, which notices they shall keep up during
the continuance of said election.
Passed March
9, 1826.
Election district
No. 108.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western
shore credit the
account of John Clare, who was sheriff of Calvert county, for
the years eighteen hundred and sixteen and eighteen hundred
and seventeen, with the sum of ninety nine dollars, being the
amount charged to him for fines, forfeitures and amerciaments,
which were charged to him on the treasury books, but do not
appear ever to have been put into his hands for collection.
Passed March
9, 1826.
John Clare.
No. 109.
Whereas, this legislature contracted with Jonas
Green to print
the daily journal of both branches at its present session, and
fourteen hundred copies thereof for distribution, at the rate of
two dollars and seventy five cents per page, Therefore,
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore
be, and
he is hereby authorised and directed to pay to Jonas Green, or
order, at the above rate of two dollars and seventy five cents
per page, for the printing so contracted for, out of any unappropriated
money in the treasury, upon his producing a certificate
from the clerk of the council that the work has been completed,
and is ready for distribution.
Passed March
9, 1826.
Jonas Green.