Dec. Ses. 1825.
Passed March
9, 1826.
Wm. O'Hara.
Resolved, That all proceedings on the judgments
by the state against William O'Hara, late sheriff of Anne Arundel
county, and his securities, be, and the same are hereby suspended
so far as to prevent execution being issued on said
judgments until the first day of July, eighteen hundred and
twenty seven.
Passed March
9, 1826.
Anna Baker
and others.
No. 111.
Resolved, That the states' agents for the eastern
shore be, and
he is hereby directed, to stay execution on a certain judgment
of the state against Robert Wright, of Queen Ann's county,
and to assign the same to Anna Baker, and William Baker, administrators
of William Baker, John Wroth, administrator of
Kenven Wroth; and Rebecca Brice and Martha Brice, executrixes
of Richard Brice, provided the amount of the same be
paid to said agent, at the following times, and in the following
manner, to wit: one half of said judgment, including debt,
interests and costs, be paid to said states' agent on or before the
first day of November next, and the residue with interest thereon,
on or before the first day of May, in the year eighteen hundred
and twenty seven, And provided also, That the said Anna
Baker and other memorialists shall give within two months
from the adoption hereof, satisfactory security to the said States'
agent to the use of the state, for the punctual payment of the
judgment aforesaid, in the proportions, and at the times herein
Passed March
9, 1826.
Michael Ellis.
No. 112.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western
shore pay to Michael
Ellis, of the county of Craven, in the state of North Carolina,
or to his order, during life, in quarterly annual payments,
the half pay of a fifer, as a further remuneration for
his services during the revolutionary war.
Passed March
9, 1826.
No. 113.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the Western
Shore pay to
Mrs. Priscilla Smith of the city of Baltimore, or to her order,
whatever a balance may be due to her late husband, Elijah Smith,
as a pensioner of the state.
Passed March
9, 1826.
E. J. Coale.
No. 114.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the Western
Shore, pay to Edward
J. Coale or order, the sum of seventy-two dollars and fifty
cents, out of any unappropriated money in the treasury, being
the amount of his account for six copies of a work on canals
with maps, plats &c, furnished the legislature at the present
Passed March
9, 1826.
Pearce and
Benson Coe.
No. 115.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the Western
Shore, pay to
Gideon Pearce, one hundred dollars, as a compensation for his
services in preparing the fee bill, reported to the legislature at
the present session, and to Benson Coe, twenty dollars for his
services as a committee clerk.