Dec. Ses. 1825.
Resolved, That a copy of the above resolutions
be forwarded
by the executive to each of our senators and representatives in
Passed Jan.
27, 1826.
county academy.
No. 18.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
treasurer of the western shore pay to the trustees of the Union
Academy, to the Buckingham Academy, and to the Salisbury
Academy, all of them being situated in Worcester county, the
sum of eight hundred dollars, on or before the first day of June
next, and on or before the first day of June annually
thereafter, in the following manner, to wit:———To the
trustees of the Union Academy, or to their order, the sum of
three hundred dollars; to the trustees of the Buckingham
Academy, or to their order, the sum of three hundred dollars;
and to the trustees of the Salisbury Academy, or to their order,
the sum of two hundred dollars.
Passed Jan.
28, 1826.
Land warrant
No. 19.
Whereas, Archibald Arnold, on the thirty first day of
seventeen hundred and ninety four, obtained a special
warrant of proclamation to resurvey and affect lot number three
thousand three hundred and eighty, lying in Allegany county,
to the westward of Fort Cumberland; in pursuance whereof a
resurvey was made, and a certificate thereof returned to the
land office of the western shore, called by the name of Hope.
And whereas, the register of the said land office in making out
the patent for the said tract of land called Hope, recited that
the warrant on which the said certificate was returned, was to
resurvey and affect lot number three thousand eight hundred
and eighty; Therefore,
Resolved, That the register of the land office
for the western
shore, be, and he is hereby authorized and required to correct
the error on the patent to the said Archibald Arnold for the
tract of land called Hope, and the record thereof in the land
office, and make the same correspond with the warrant and
certificate now in his office.
Passed Jan.
28, 1826.
Death of B.
No. 20.
Information having been received by this house of the
death of Benjamin Harwood, Esquire, late treasurer
of the western shore of this state:
Resolved unanimously, That as a mark of their
respect for
the distinguished character, worth and services of the deceased,
the members and officers of this general assembly will wear
the usual mourning for thirty days.
Resolved unanimously, That the members and officers
of this
general assembly will assemble to-morrow at half after two