Resolved, That the governor be requested to transmit
a copy
of these resolutions to each of the senators and representatives
of this state in congress.
Dec. Ses. 1825.
No. 13.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the Western Shore
be, and he
is hereby authorized and directed to pay to the order of his
excellency the governor of Maryland, for repairs and furniture
of the government house, the sum of fifteen hundred dollars.
Passed Jan.
18, 1826.
for government
No. 14.
Resolved, That the time now allowed by law to
the several clerks
and registers in the state, to make up their records, be extended
to the first day of January, eighteen hundred and twenty seven,
so far as the same respects the clerk of Caroline county court.
Passed Jan.
23, 1826.
Clerk of Caroline
No. 15.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore
be, and he
hereby is authorized and directed forthwith, to pay to the Farmers'
Bank of Maryland, the sum of twenty thousand dollars,
it being the balance of the debt due to that institution on the
loan of eighteen hundred and twenty one, out of any unappropriated
money in the treasury; and that the certificate or certificates
redeemed, be by him immediately cancelled.
Passed Jan.
24, 1826.
Payment of
state debts.
No. 16.
Resolved, That the clerks of the several county
courts in this
state, be, and they are hereby directed to deliver over unto any
acting justice of the peace for said counties who may apply for
the same, one copy of the votes and proceedings and of the
laws, passed at any session of the legislature of Maryland,
prior to the session of eighteen hundred and twenty four, now
remaining in their respective offices, and which have been deposited
there at the public expense, provided the justice of the
peace applying for the same has hitherto received no copy of
those particular laws and votes and proceedings.
Passed Jan.
27, 1826.
Votes and
No. 17.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
senators and representatives in congress, be, and they are hereby
requested to call the attention of their respective houses to
the superior advantages which the city of Annapolis and its
neighborhood possesses as a situation for a naval academy,
and that they use their best exertions in favor of the establishment
of such an institution.
Passed Jan.
26, 1826.
Annapolis for
Naval Academy.