Dec. Ses. 1825.
Resolved, That the said John N. Steele be, and
he is hereby
declared to have been on the said first Tuesday after the first
Monday in January, duly elected a member of the council to
the governor for the present year.
Passed Jan.
10, 1826.
Literary institutions.
No. 9.
Resolved, That the time allowed for making reports
to the
several literary institutions, mentioned in a resolution passed at
December session, eighteen hundred and twenty four, number
forty-nine, and who have not complied with the terms of said
resolution, be and the same is hereby extended till the first day
of May next.
Passed Jan.
11, 1826.
Records of
Talbot county
No. 10.
Resolved, That Thomas J. Bullitt, Nicholas Hammond,
John Goldsborough Esquires, be and they are hereby appointed
to inspect the records of Talbot county court, and that they
or any two of them are requested to make report to the general
assembly of Maryland, at their next session, of the state and
condition of said records, specifying how many of them are
in a bad or decayed state, and the probable cost of recording
anew such as may require it, together with the binding of such
as it would be advisable to have bound.
Passed Jan.
14, 1826.
Power of
congress on
internal improvement.
No. 11.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Congress of the United States does possess the power under the
constitution, to adopt a general system of internal improvement
by means of roads and canals as a national measure.
Resolved, That a copy of the above resolution
be forwarded by
the executive to each of our senators and Representatives in
Passed Jan.
16, 1826.
Mode of electing
and Vice President.
No. 12.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
for the
purpose of electing the president and vice president of the
United States, the constitution ought to be so amended, that an
uniform system of voting by districts, shall be established in all
the states; and that the people in those districts shall have the
right of voting directly for those officers.
Resolved, That the constitution ought to be further
in such a manner as will prevent the election of the aforesaid
officers from devolving upon the respective houses of congress.
Resolved, That the senators and representatives
of this state
in congress, be requested to use their exertions for obtaining the
amendments of the constitution, proposed in the foregoing resolutions. |