No. 6.
Resolved, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That a commission,
signed by the president of the senate and speaker of the
house of delegates, and certified by his excellency the governor,
with the great seal of the state annexed, shall issue to the deputation
from this general assembly, to the legislatures of the state of
Pennsylvania, Delaware and New Jersey, certifying to each of
those legislatures, the authority with which that deputation is
clothed, in the form following:
To the honorable the legislature of ______________
These are to certify that Ezekiel F. Chambers, a member
the senate, and Archibald Lee, and Robert H. Goldsborough,
members of the house of delegates, have been appointed by the
general assembly of the state of Maryland, as deputies to the
legislature of the state of _______________ with authority to
negotiate with said legislature for the purpose of procuring such
aid by legislative provisions or otherwise, as may be most effectual
for the recovery of persons bound to, or owing service
or labour to citizens of Maryland, who have heretofore absconded,
or who shall hereafter abscond or flee from Maryland
into the state of _______________
Witness our hands with the great seal of the state, hereunto
annexed this __________ day of __________ in the year of our
Lord, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-six.
Dec. Ses. 1825.
Passed Jan.
6, 1826.
Form of
to deputation
to Pennsylvania,
and N.
No. 7.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the Western Shore
be, and he
is hereby authorised and directed to pay to Samuel Stevens
Esquire, late governor of Maryland, out of any money in the
treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of one hundred
and seventy eight dollars and sixty-seven and a half cents; the
same being monies advanced by the late governor for the purchase
of public property for the use of the state of Maryland.
Passed Jan.
7, 1826.
Payment of
money advanced
late governor.
No. 8.
Whereas, agreeably to the constitution of this state,
an election
for the council to the governor, was held on Tuesday, the
third day of January, being the first Tuesday after the first Monday
in January, at which election a certain James Roberts, late
of Queen Anne's county, was voted for and was declared to have
been elected as a member of said council, but has since been ascertained
to have died on Sunday the first day of January, and
prior to said election; and whereas also at said election, a
certain John N. Steele of Dorchester county, was voted for
and was one of the five persons who received the greatest number
of votes, the said James Roberts not being then in existance,
Passed Jan.
7, 1826.
J. N. Steele
declared to
be a member
of council.