Dec. Ses. 1825.
Passed Jan.
5, 1826.
Billiard table
No. 4.
Resolved, That no prosecution shall be commenced
any keeper of a billiard table in this state, who may have neglected
to take out a license for the last year; Provided, That the
the keeper of the such billiard table shall, on or before the first day
of March next, take out a license for the year commencing on
the first day of April last, as required by the act of December
session, one thousand eight hundred and twenty four, chapter
sixty four.
And further resolved, That prosecution already
under the said act of eighteen hundred and twenty four, be discontinued,
on the parties prosecuted paying all the costs incurred
by such prosecutions, and on their complying with the
proviso contained in the first resolution.
Passed Jan,
6, 1826.
No. 5.
Resolved, That William K. Lambdin Esquire, appointed
of the Eastern Shore of Maryland be, and he is hereby
required before he proceeds to execute the duties of his said
office, to give bond to the state of Maryland, in the penalty of
twenty thousand dollars, with at least two securities to be approved
of by the governor and council, for the due and faithful
performance and discharge of all the duties of him required as directed by
the act of assembly of December session, eighteen hundred and
twenty-three, chapter one hundred and ninety-five, entitled, an
act relating to the treasurers of the state on the Eastern and Western
Shores, the clerks of the court of appeals, the clerks of the
several county courts, the clerk of the city court of Baltimore,
the register in chancery and the registers of wills in the several
counties of this state.
Resolved, That the said
treasurer shall on the first day of August,
eighteen hundred and twenty six, and always thereafter
give bond in the manner directed by the said before recited act of
eighteen hundred and twenty-three, chapter one hundred and
ninety-five, and be governed in all other respects, by the provisions
of the said act.
Late treasurer
to deliver
Resolved, That John K.
B. Emory Esquire, late treasurer of the
Eastern Shore of Maryland be and he is hereby required on the
execution of the bond in the first resolution mentioned forthwith
to deliver unto William K. Lambdin Esquire, of Talbot
county, the present treasurer of the Eastern Shore of Maryland,
all monies in the treasury, books of accounts and other
papers appertaining to said treasury.