Passed by the General Assembly of Maryland, at December
Session, 1825.
No. 1.
Whereas by an act entitled, an act relating to the
and council of this state, passed at the last session, three weeks
additional service was imposed on the executive of this state,
and whereas it is just and right that the governor and the members
of the executive council and the officers thereof should be
paid for the performance of this additional service, Therefore, |
Dec. Ses. 1825.
Passed Dec.
31, 1825.
Preamble. |
Resolved, That the treasurer of the Western
Shore pay out of
any unappropriated money in the treasury to his excellency the
governor, the members of the council, the clerk and messenger
to the council, for their services during the three weeks above
mentioned, the proportion of the salaries which by the laws of
this state, they were respectively entitled to receive for the
term of three weeks. |
Payment to
governor and
council for
3 weeks services. |
No. 2.
Resolved, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the
treasurer of the Western Shore be, and he is hereby authorized
and directed to advance and pay to each member of the deputation
to the legislatures of Pennsylvania, Delaware and New
Jersey, to wit; Ezekiel F. Chambers, Archibald Lee and Robert
H. Goldsborough Esquires, the sum of one hundred dollars, to
defray in part the necessary expenses of their mission. |
Passed Jan.
5, 1826.
Payment to
to Pennsylvania,
&c. |
No. 3.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the Western
Shore pay to the
several members of the general assembly, and the several officers
thereof, or to their order, the several sums due to them, and for
which they shall obtain certificates from the chairman of the
committee of claims. |
Passed Jan.
5, 1826.
Payment of
certificates of
committee of
claims. |