1904 1 OF THE SENATE. 77
At 7.55 p. m.,
On motion of Senator Robinson,
The Senate went into Executive Session.
At 8.18 p. m.
On motion of Mr Brewington,
The Senate resumed Legislative session.
At 8.19 p m.,
On motion of Mr. Brewington,
The Senate adjourned until Wednesday, January
13th, at 10.30 a. m.
WEDNESDAY, January 13th, 1904.
The Senate met at 10:30 a. m.
Prayer by the Rev. Father Kaulz.
Present at the roll call the following Senators:
Messrs. President, Applegarth, Beasman, Belts,
Biddison, Brewington, Dashiell, Devilbiss, Foxwell,
Gadd, Gill, Gorman, Gray. Greenwell, Griffith, Kir-
wan, Lewis, McCullough, Moore, Palmer, Perkins,
Robinson, Roe, Thomas, Wilson, Young—26.
The Journal of Tuesday, January 12th, 1904. was
read and approved.
By Mr. McCullough
A bill entitled "An Act to incorporate Octoraro
Water and Power Company."
Which was read the first time and referred to Com-
mittee on Corporations, (hereafter to be appointed).