1904.] OF THE SENATE. 75
The members of the Senate accompanied by the com-
mittee appointed by the House, proceeded to the
chamber of the House of Delegates, and took the seats
assigned to them.
The returns for the election of Governor were then
opened by the Speaker of the House of Delegates m
the presence of the members of both houses, in con-
formity with the provisions of the Constitution, Ar-
ticle 2, section 3, and were read by the Speaker.
It was found that the Hon. Edwin Warfield Lad re-
ceived 108,548 votes.
That Hon. Stevenson A. Williams had received
95,923 votes.
That Hon. William Gisriel had received 2,913 votes.
That Hon. Silas M. Grabill had received 1,302 votes.
The Speaker declared that the Hon. Edwin Warfield
having received the highest number of votes cast, was
duly elected Governor of Maryland for the term of
four years from the time of his qualification, as pre-
scribed by the Constitution.
The Speaker then declared the Joint Convention
adjourned, and the members of the Senate returned to
the Senate Chamber.
At 2.37 p. m.
On motion of Mr. Moore,
The Senate adjourned until Tuesday, January 12th,
at 7.30 p. m.